
Articles of the Committee of Experts of the World Research Travel Organization


Chapter I   General

第一章 总则


Article To adapt to the development of the World Research Travel Organization(WRTO) and promote the democratization and scientific process of administrative decision-making, a committee of WRTO experts (hereinafter referred to as "the committee of experts ") is established according to the actual needs of the organization. The committee of experts is a WRTO professional knowledge and technical advisory and evaluation body composed of research travel  workers with high knowledge and technical level, rich practical experience and innovative spirit. The Committee of Experts operates under the leadership of the organization.

第一条 为适应世界研学旅游组织(WRTO)的发展,推动行政决策的民主化、科学化进程,根据组织的实际需要,设立 WRTO 专家委员会以下简称“专家委员会”),专家委员会是由具有较高知识和技术水平、丰富的实践经验并具备创新开拓精神的研学旅游工作者所组成的 WRTO 专业知识和技术咨询评议机构。专家委员会在组织的领导下开展工作。

Article 2 These Rules are formulated for the purpose of further standardizing and institutionalizing the work of the WRTO Committee of Experts and giving full play to its advisory role.

第二条 为使 WRTO 专家委员会的工作进一步规范化、制度化, 充分发挥专家委员会的咨询参谋作用,特制定本细则。

Article 3 The purpose of the expert committee is to give full play to the wisdom and wisdom of all  kinds of experts and scholars, actively promote the overall progress of the WRTO,research travel  and the quality of the people,and improve the professional level of the research travel industry.

第三条 专家委员会的宗旨是:发挥各类专家、学者的聪明才智,积极推动 WRTO、研学旅游和国民素质的全面进步,提高研学旅游行业的专业化水平。

Article 4 The guiding ideology of the expert committee is to carry out the relevant laws and policies of the government, follow the laws of the market economy, respect science, respect talents, adhere to theory, technology, system, management innovation, give play to talents and professional advantages, and lead the sustainable development of the research travel industry.

第四条 专家委员会的指导思想是:贯彻政府相关法规政策, 遵循市场经济规律,尊重科学、尊重人才,坚持理论、技术、制度、管理创新,发挥人才和专业优势,引领研学旅游行业可持续发展。

Chapter II Working Tasks

第二章 工作任务


Article 5  To assist the WRTO in proposing a strategic plan for the development of the research  travel  industry, and to formulate  guidelines, policies  and  relevant  measures  for  the development  of the research travel  industry.

第五条 协助 WRTO 提出研学旅游行业发展战略规划,制订研学旅游行业发展方针、政策和相关措施。

Article 6  On the commission of the WRTO, experts shall be organized to carry out research on the subject and related issues  management, drafting of technical documents.

第六条  WRTO 的委托,组织专家开展课题研究,以及相关管理、技术文件的起草工作。

Article 7  At the invitation of the WRTO or its authorized institutions, experts shall be organized to participate in and cooperate with relevant professional technical services such as standardization, monitoring and certification.

第七条  WRTO 或其授权机构邀请,组织专家参与、配合相关的标准化、监测、认证等专业技术服务工作。

Article 8  Cooperate with the WRTO to carry out professional technical cooperation and exchange at home and abroad, expand communication channels, track frontier technological developments, introduce advanced intelligence,and improve the innovation ability of the industry.

第八条 配合 WRTO 开展国内外专业技术合作与交流,拓展交流渠道,跟踪前沿技术动态,引进先进智力,提高行业创新能力。

Article 9 Experts shall be recommended to participate in R & D, evaluation, promotion, popularization, consultation and other professional and technical services in accordance with the application or entrustment of enterprises, users and related institutions and associations in the research travel  industry. At the same time, management process documents should be formulated to standardize the work of recommending expert services. undertake other work entrusted by the WRTO.

第九条 根据研学旅游行业企业、用户及有关机构、社团的申请或委托,推荐专家参与研发、评价、推广、普及、咨询等方面的专业技术服务。同时,应制定管理流程文件,规范推荐专家服务工作。承担 WRTO 委托的其它工作。

Chapter III Organizational structure

第三章 组织机构

Article 10   The members of the Committee of Experts shall be composed of experts and members from among them.

第十条 专家委员会成员由专家和从专家中产生的委员组成。

Article 11  The expert committee shall employ chairman and advisers.

第十一条 专家委员会聘请主任委员和顾问。

Article 12 The organization of the Committee of Experts shall consist of a committee and a professional group. The expert committee consists of 1 chairman and 2-5 vice-chairmen.

第十二条 专家委员会的组织机构由委员会和专业组组成。专家委员会设主任委员 1 人,副主任委员 2-5 人。

In accordance with the needs of the development of the research travel  industry, the Committee of Experts has set up several professional groups according to the principles of classified guidance and counterpart service, according to the relevant professional and technical fields. Professional team leader and deputy leader in the production of experts.


If necessary, experts may be selected to set up special working groups to undertake special affairs. Article 13 Conditions for membership of expert committees.


Article 13  Conditions for membership of expert committees

第十三条 专家委员会委员条件

The conditions for experts in the Committee of Experts are regulated by the Expert Management Scheme. Members of the Committee of Experts shall meet the following requirements:


Having a high theoretical level, technical capability and rich practical experience in the industry;



Be familiar with the business of the industry and be enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings;



Having innovative spirit and good professional ethics;



Having a senior professional technical title or corresponding level of business.



Article 14  The term of office of the members of the Committee of Experts shall be five years for each term of office and five years for each term of office of the members.

第十四条 专家委员会成员实行任期制,专家每届任期五年, 委员每届任期五年可以连聘连任。

The members of the expert committee shall come from relevant administrative departments, member units, relevant institutions, scientific research units, technical institutions, intermediary organizations, etc.


Article 15  The members of an expert committee shall be appointed in accordance with the prescribed procedure: the chairman shall be elected by the WRTO Council.

第十五条 专家委员会的成员按照规定程序聘任:

The vice-chairman shall be nominated by the chairman, and all the members shall vote and be appointed with more than two-thirds of the votes.

主任委员由WRTO 理事会选举担任。

The members shall be nominated by the chairman and vice-chairman, and all the members shall be appointed by a vote of more than 2/3 votes.

副主任委员由主任委员提名,全体委员投票表决,获 2/3 上票数的予以聘任。

The head and deputy head of the professional group shall be nominated by the committee and approved and appointed by the chairman.

委员由正、副主任委员提名,全体委员投票表决,获 2/3 上票数的予以聘任。

The experts shall be appointed after the approval of the chairman of the committee.


All appointed members and experts shall be appointed by the Committee of Experts and shall automatically become WRTO individual members.

接受聘任的委员、专家,均由专家委员会颁发聘书,并自动成为WRTO 的个人会员。

Chapter IV Rights and Obligations of Members of the Committee of Experts

第四章 专家委员会成员的权利和义务


Article 16   Members of the Committee of Experts shall have the following rights

第十六条 专家委员会成员享有下列权利

Free participation in activities organized by the Committee of Experts and access to information and information provided by the Committee;

(一) 可免费参与专家委员会举行的各项活动和获得专家委员会提供的信息、资料;

Knowledge of documents, materials, data, background materials related to advisory missions, and participation in relevant professional academic conferences.

(二) 了解与咨询任务有关的文件、资料、数据、背景材料,以及参加有关的专业学术会议。

Full expression of individual opinions in the process of participating in decision-making consultations and the possibility of retaining individual opinions and recommendations;

(三) 在参与决策咨询过程中充分发表个人意见,并可保留个人意见和建议;

To provide working opinions and recommendations to the Committee of Experts;

(四) 向专家委员会提出工作意见和建议;

Voluntary withdrawal from the Committee of Experts.

(五) 可自愿退出专家委员会。

Article 17 Members of the Committee of Experts shall have the following obligations

第十七条 专家委员会成员承担下列义务

To abide by the relevant laws and regulations and the statutes and self-regulatory codes of the Committee of Experts;


To participate actively in the activities of the Committee of Experts;


To provide relevant scientific and technological information to the Committee of Experts and to propose research, development, promotion and application of advanced technologies and academic knowledge;


Be conscientiously responsible for the advisory tasks undertaken and complete them on time;


In consulting work, we should proceed from the overall situation, adhere to the truth, respect science and handle affairs impartially;

(五)在咨询工作中,应当从全局出发,坚持真理,尊重科学, 秉公办事;

The problems and information involved in consulting work shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed to the public without the consent of the relevant departments;



Article 18   Individual members shall not engage in commercial activities on behalf of the Committee of Experts without the consent of the Committee of Experts.

第十八条 未经专家委员会同意,委员个人不得以专家委员会的名义从事商业性活动。

Article 19  Dismissal of members of an expert committee

第十九条 专家委员会成员的解聘

If a member is not suitable for continuing employment, he may be dismissed with the approval of the chairman, or he may resign himself.


The dismissal of experts shall be submitted to the chairman for approval.



Article 20  In case of violation of laws and regulations and these articles of association, if I do not attend the regular meeting of all members three times within one year, I shall automatically lose my membership and report it to the WRTO for the record.

第二十条 对违反法律法规和本章程的,一年内本人三次不参加全体委员例会的,将会自动失去委员资格,报WRTO 备案。


Chapter V Meetings regimes and decisions on important matters

第五章 会议制度和重要事项决定

Article 21  The Committee of Experts shall meet annually to summarize, deploy, discuss and decide on important matters. If necessary, professional team leaders or experts may be invited to attend the meeting.

第二十一条 专家委员会应每年召开会议,总结、部署工作, 讨论重要事项并做出决定。必要时,可邀请专业组正副组长或专家列席会议。

The chairman may temporarily convene a committee meeting or an office meeting of the chairman.


Article 22  Important matters and related documents to be considered by the Committee of Experts shall be submitted to the Committee for examination and vote (including the examination of the meeting and the examination of correspondence may also be carried out in combination).

第二十二条 专家委员会需要审议的重大事项及相关文件, 应提交全体委员进行审查表决(包括会议审查和函审,也可结合进行),必须经全体委员的 2/3 以上同意后,方可做出决定和发布。

Article 23  The Committee of Experts shall seek opinions on important matters and related documents, and shall seek opinions within the relevant scope by means of meetings, correspondence reviews or networks before it can make a decision and issue them.

第二十三条 专家委员会需要征求意见的重要事项及相关文件,应采取会议、函审或网络等方式在相关范围内征求意见后, 方可做出决定和发布。

Chapter VI Funding

第六章 经费

Article 24  The funds for the activities of the Committee of Experts shall be raised and spent in accordance with the principle of earmarking funds; they shall be managed in accordance with WRTO financial provisions.

第二十四条 专家委员会的活动经费,按照专款专用的原则筹集和开支;按 WRTO 财务规定管理。

Article 25  The activities of the Committee of Experts are financed from:

第二十五条 专家委员会的活动经费来自以下方面:

WRTO financial budgets;

(一)WRTO 专项拨款;

Social and business support;


Other lawful incomes.


Article 26 The funds of the Committee of Experts shall be used to carry out operational activities within the scope of these Rules.

第二十六条 专家委员会的经费用于开展本《细则》规定范围内的业务活动。

Article 27 Daily office expenses of the Committee of Experts are arranged by the WRTO.

第二十七条 专家委员会的日常办公经费由 WRTO 统一安排。

Article 28 The advance and final settlement of the expenses of the expert committee shall be submitted by the secretariat and implemented after the approval of the chairman.

第二十八条 专家委员会经费的预、决结算由秘书处提出, 主任委员批准后实施。

Chapter VII Annex

第七章 附则

Article 29 The power of interpretation of these Rules shall be vested in the World research travel  Organization.

第二十九条 本细则解释权归世界研学旅游组织所有。

Entry into force/application of the present rules of the Committee of Experts shall take effect from 1 June 2020, and shall apply to all members of the Committee of Experts, including members prior to revision of these rules and new members thereafter.

生效/适用 本专家委员会细则自 2020 年 6 月1 日起生效,适用所有专家委员会成员,包括本细则修订前的成员和以后的新成员